Monday 23 April 2012

A weekend away

Dear Daddy,
                    Sorry I haven't written for so long but when I woke up on Saturday after my nap Mummy had our bags packed and we went away. Pandora even came too. And guess what, Sophie and Sarah came with us. We only went for one night, we stayed at Sophie's grandparents house. They live on a big lake and they have a big house. You go up stairs to get to their house too, except its all their home. They have a massive balcony that overlooks Lake Maquarie and the house is almost all windows.
Pandora was a bit cheeky and Mummy got a bit stressed out, because they have a dog too. But once Pandora calmed down Mummy seemed very happy. She didn't have to worry about me either because between Sarah, Sophie and her parents I was played with so much.
We went for a walk on the lake as well, it's so pretty. But I was very tired so I feel asleep. I slept in the fresh air for ages and it was so nice. Much nicer than Sydney air. I got to play with all of Sophie's old toys as well, and they are lots of fun. I was very busy there, playing like crazy. I had so much to play with I didn't know if I would have enough time to play with them all.
In the evening we went for a drive into town and went to a small shopping centre. We went into a thai restaurant and it smelt yummy. I was a bit hungry now and Mum went to Safeway and bought me food in a packet. When we got home we sat at a HUGE table and I got to sit in Sophie's old chair. I was pretty hungry but I got a lot of attention so I was okay. Poor Mum didn't get to spend any time in the kitchen, as me food came straight from a packet and her food came from a plastic container. I loved it, it was so yummy. I had cheesy carrot puree. Mum seemed to be pretty relaxed by now and she ate and laugher with Sarah and her family.
Poor Sophie was in bed all afternoon and night because I gave her my cold. I felt bad for her and I missed her because I like to play with her but I was kept very occupied by everyone else. After my bottle I was very tired because I hadn't napped very much during the day and I went to bed for the night. I slept in Sophie's cot and she was so nice to let me sleep in it.
I woke up a few times in the night, and I could here Mummy talking to Sarah. They were pretty far away, I think they were sitting on the balcony. I could also hear poor Sophie coughing a little bit in the night too. Mummy finally came to bed but I still woke up two more times before the morning.
On Sunday we went downstairs to a different rom in the house and played with more of Sophie's toys. Sophie came down too and she let me play with her letters and numbers. I was up pretty early so I couldn't stay awake too long. After my next nap I was so happy and ready to play again. Sarah got me out some tunnels and a tent and I got to crawl around in it. Sometimes I got a bit confused and sometimes I got a bit scared but Pandora, Sarah and Mum would come in too. It was a lot of fun. I also got to play in Sophie's Jolly Jumper and with lots of toys too. Sarah also took me out on the balcony and showed me the lake. It's very pretty up there, I'd love to come back with you.
Sophie made Mum and everyone scrambled eggs for a big breakfast. Poor Mum wasn't allowed in the kitchen at all. But she kept close to it and jumped in when she can because we know how much she loves it. I couldn't have any eggs for breakfast because Mum is worried about allergies but I got to have a banana and that was YUMMY! I ate it better than I ever have before. I wasn't even that hungry but it just tasted so good.
Because I had been so busy all morning I was really tired again and went back to bed. When I woke up Mummy packed us all in the car and we went home. Except Sophie didn't come, she stayed with her grandparents. I slept the entire drive home, except for when we got back into Sydney I woke up. I was pretty sad about being home so Mum gave me her phone case to play with. That made me very happy. We dropped Sarah off and came home.
When we got home Mum took of all my clothes and I played in the nudey rudey for ages. I had carrots and cheese for dinner again, except Mum got to cook these ones. It was much nicer and I loved eating the cheese. Then I got apples for desert.
I was so excited for my bath as well because I didn't get one when I was away. After the bath I was exhausted, so I had my bottle and went straight to bed. I got to Skype you though before I went to bed.
Mum was in such a happy mood, I am glad that she gets to have fun and relax whilst you aren't here. She is so busy at home it is good for us to get away.

Today Mummy declared a pyjama day. It was lots of fun. I liked being away, but I do like being home with my own things. I played a lot, and stood up as much as I could. Mummy sometimes comes into my playpen to help me to stand. It's fun and I like to climb all over her.
She also keeps telling me to shake my caboose and wiggles my bum. She's funny, this makes me laugh.

Oh I forgot to tell you earlier, I have a new favourite game. I sit in my high chair and Mummy hides behind it and then I have to guess which way she will poke her head around. I get it right half of the time. Either way, when I find her I laugh like crazy. I just think it's so funny, especially when she comes over the top.

Tonight for dinner I had chicken and avocado. It was yummy. I had pears for desert and ate them all. Well, I left one for Pandora. Then it was bath time again.
Tonight I got reunited with my purple sheep. I just sat and chewed on it for the whole bath. We stayed in for ages and it was really relaxing tonight. I did a little bit of standing but I mostly just played with my sheep and duck.
I brushed my teeth after the bath for the first time. My tooth brush feels like any other chew toy but normally I am scared to put it in my mouth. Tonight Mummy let me take it to my change table so whilst she was dressing me I had a good clean of my teeth.
I was so exhausted by now and feel asleep on my bottle so much that I even stopped sucking. Mummy tried to help me stay awake so we could Skype you but I just couldn't do it. I fell asleep in her arms and stayed that way. I had such a fun weekend. I wish you were here to share it.
I keep saying your name, especially when we are in the bath. Mum keeps telling me your not here because you are out working for us. It is so nice of you to do that and I love you even more for it.

It has already been a week since you left, and we only have six to go. This time will fly by but I hope that you are enjoying the time that we are apart. Mum is making sure I enjoy every second and don't miss out because you are not here. I miss you, but I am still having a lot of fun.

Daddy, I love you and I miss you.
Love always
Your Oliver J.

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