Wednesday 18 April 2012

Rain drops keep falling on my head.

Dear Daddy,
                Last night I woke up to Mummy wiping me down. I was so tired I just wanted to sleep, but she got me out of bed and changed my clothes and my linen. But then she gave me some more milk, which was yum but it didn't stay in my tummy very long. Then she had to change my linen and out fit again, and then once more before my tummy settled down. She woke up every two hours to come and check on me, she thought I was still asleep but I stirred every time she checked my head. I was okay, but I guess it would have been cold if I had to sleep covered in spew so that was nice of her.
When I woke up this morning I was feeling much better. Mum was tired and I could tell but we still had lots of fun. She put me in my jolly jumper whilst she drank her coffee and prepared my breakfast and I jumped like crazy. I love it in there, but it really tires me out so before long I went back to bed and slept for ages.
Normally on Wednesdays we go to playgroup, but today we didn't go. I still wasn't feeling well and it was so rainy so I guess thats why. I suppose it was for the best, but I wanted to see all my little mates. But I will see them again next week so it's okay.
We did go for a drive to the post office to pick up a parcel and the lady at the counter kept talking to Mummy and pulling faces at me. Mummy looked really bored so I cried so we could leave. She kissed me in the car and said good boy. We are a good team.
When we got home we played a lot more. I am crawling so quickly now and Mum can barely keep up. I love to follow Pandora around. Then Jo came around and I played with her for ages. She always makes me smile.
Oh and for lunch I had toast, its just bread but crispy. I loved it. With vegemite and butter. I only had one piece and was still hungry when it was gone, but Mum already had some sauteed apple and pears for me as well. They were so yummy that even Mummy and Jo had some.
After all the eating and playing I was so tired so I went back to bed. When I woke up again Mum and I played but you know how I like my alone time in the afternoons so I mostly played in my play pen. I also had a bit of a rest on Mum's tummy and we watched so television.
Tonight the bath was a little bit deeper but still not as deep as with you. I think Mum is starting to trust my ability to stand in the bath as she holds on a little less tightly than before. I love standing, I stand in my play pen all the time now. Mostly I am just holding on to my couch but it is a bit short for me. I am all hunched over and I must look funny. Mum always touches my head and calls me a goof, but I know if I was standing up tall she would be scared so I can't win with her. She is the goof Dad.
I could barely even stay awake during my bottle and fell asleep before it was finished, but I kept dream feeding. When I woke up all the milk was gone, and I could hear your voice. I couldn't see you anywhere, but then I looked at Mum's phone and your face was there. It was a video of you reading to me and it made me miss you so much. Mummy looked a bit sad too.
Then Mummy picked me up and put me to bed, I feel asleep before I was even in my bed I was so tired. Mummy told me how much she loves me and how much you miss me. Its still raining and its nice and soothing. I bet Mum is a little bit frightened, you know how she is. But I like it, I just wish you were here to cuddle up to us and keep us warm.
I hope you are safe and the water isn't too rocky tonight.
I love you Daddy
Love always
Your Oliver J

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