Friday 20 April 2012

Hey Dad, I stand!

Dear Daddy,
                Today the weather was a little bit better than this whole week. It stopped raining so Mum opened the whole apartment up. It was nice to have some fresh air, although I know she loves the rain. I think she was happy we could finally leave the house.
Last night I woke up twice, I just feel a little out of sorts without you here and I haven't been sleeping to great. But hopefully it will go back to normal because when we wake up for the day we are exhausted.

After breakfast I went in my play pen and I decided to pull myself up to standing on my own. Mummy was watching and when she looked up, there I was. It didn't last long before I fell over but I tried again. Mummy filmed it all for you and I know you've seen the video. I was so proud of myself I did a big smile. Mum had a big smile on her face too. I know she feels a little bit sad when I do knew things and your not here, because she hates that you miss out. I hate it too, but I know you would be more upset if we stopped living and excelling. I kept standing and falling all morning. Every time I fell I wasn't sure if it hurt so I looked at Mummy to check, she reassured me that it didn't and that its a good thing I fall. "You can't stand up forever!" she says. Mummy is funny. She pulls funny faces at me when I stand all the time too.

After I went for a nap Mummy was in a very good mood. The whole apartment was open and we sat outside for a while. Mummy also gave me a bottle full of milk for lunch. I wasn't used to it so I didn't drink the whole thing but I felt great after. She never had much milk when you are away, I think she it too busy looking after me to produce to much milk.
Then Sophie came over for a play. Sarah couldn't stay so Mummy spent the whole time playing with Sophie and I which was lots of fun.
First, Sophie helped me set up our train set. It was lots of fun, and it tasted really yummy.
Sopie and I then ate our lunch together. We both had vegemite sandwiches. I had so apple as well.
Then Sophie drew a picture of Pandora, Mummy, Sarah, Herself and I from a time we went to the beach.
After that she played with Pandora outside and then Mummy and I joined her. She played with me a lot too. She always has a lot of time to play with me. She is lots of fun.
Then we came inside and Mummy helped us all to wash our hands and we played some more. By now I was so tired from all the playing that I decided to let Mummy know I wanted to go to sleep. Then Sophie helped Mummy put me to bed, and Pandora came too. I wanted to see Sophie again so I sat up in my cot and yelled out to them. They came and sat on the floor in front of me and squashed their faces up to the cot. I touched Mummy's face all over and laughed a lot. But I was tired so she laid me back down and Sophie put my dummy in and before long I was asleep.

I woke up not much longer to the sound of the doorbell, and when I got up Sarah was here. I was sad because I knew Sophie would have to go home soon, but I did get to play with Sarah for a little while. Mummy went out for a little while so Sarah watched me and when she came home she picked me up but I was having fun with Sarah so I went back to her for a little while. Then I went back in my jolly jumper and it was so much fun. Sarah and Sophie left whilst I was jumping.

After they left the weather was still nice so Mum took Pandora and I for a walk. It was a nice walk and Pandora was excited because we hadn't been for a walk for ages. I like watching the world go by when we go for walks. I very rarely get sad when I am going for a walk in my pram. I also like to watch Pandora as she walks. She is funny, and I follow her with my eyes and smile when she does something funny.

When we got home I was in a great mood, but it was alone time so I went into my play pen. I was having fun but then I bumped my head so Mummy gave me big cuddles. Then she put me in my couch and put cartoons on, but I wanted to crawl all over her. It was lots of fun, but then I decided I wanted to be on my own. In my play pen I stood up and fell and stood and fell for ages. I just love it.

Mummy went into the kitchen now, as she often loves to do. She was in there for quite a while tonight, and when she came out we played for a while. Normally when she leaves the kitchen she comes out with food, but today was different. But that was okay, I wasn't too hungry yet. After a while Mummy put my in my high chair and a funny bell went off. I was pretty hungry by now so I let her know.
When Mummy came over she had a plate FULL of food. Tonight I had my first taste of roasted lamb and roasted carrots and I LOVED it. I also had the rest of the apples from lunch. I was so satisfied from my dinner.

I happily went into my play pen after dinner, but I was getting tired. Mum started getting my bath ready and then her phone went off a million times. She seemed to get a bit stressed out, but then she got to Skype Grandma and Grandpa. She seemed happier for a minute but then her phone kept going off again and again and again. I could tell she was stressed out so I started crying. She picked me up and we had a cuddle but I knew she just needed a bath to calm down so I kept crying. Turns out, I was right. As soon as we got in the bath she seemed so much happier. It was a fun bath, lots of standing and playing with my ducky.

When we got out of the bath we were both in a great mood, but I was pretty tired. She gave me my bottle and Skyped Grandma and Grandpa again. I was exhausted and fell asleep during my bottle, but i drank the whole thing. I could hear Mum talking for a while and then she put me in my cot and told me how much she loves me and how much you love me too. I miss you a lot but I am starting to adapt to you being away. Thank you for working so hard for us. I can't believe it has nearly been a week already, it will be no time before we are together again.

I love you Daddy
Love Always
Your Oliver J

P.S. I have enclosed some photographs of my day. I love you.

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